Welcome to Seekersville
Welcome to SeekersVille, our exclusive loyalty program. Build your world by buying fits. purchases mean points, the more points the bigger your home.
Create an account and unlock access to member-only perks, including early-access to shop new collections, discounts on your orders, free returns and brand insights & invites... See how it works

Seekers Juveniles
Start Here
- 5 Points with every purchase
- 10% off your first order
- Early access to new collections
- Secret promo codes
- £5 off your birthday
- £50 giftcard draws
- Draw for event tickets

Seekers Citizens
Unlock at £250
- 6 Points with Every Purchase
- Early access to new collections
- Secret promo codes
- £10 off your birthday
- £100 giftcard draws
- Draw for event tickets
- Stylist Access
- Double points days

Seekers Seniors
Unlock at £500
- 8 Points with Every Purchase
- Early access to new collections
- Secret promo codes
- £15 off your birthday
- £250 giftcard draws
- Draw for event tickets
- Stylist Access
- Triple points days
- Free UK Returns

Seekers Elites
Unlock by Invitation
- 10 Points with Every Purchase
- Early access to new collections
- Secret promo codes
- £20 off your birthday
- £500 giftcard draws
- Draw for event tickets
- Stylist Access
- Triple points days
- Free UK Returns
- Christmas Gift
Move up the property ladder

- 5 Points with every purchase
- 10% off your first order
- Early access to new collections
- Secret promo codes
- £5 off your birthday
- £50 giftcard draws
- Draw for event tickets

- 6 Points with Every Purchase
- Early access to new collections
- Secret promo codes
- £10 off your birthday
- £100 giftcard draws
- Draw for event tickets
- Stylist Access
- Double points days

- 8 Points with Every Purchase
- Early access to new collections
- Secret promo codes
- £15 off your birthday
- £250 giftcard draws
- Draw for event tickets
- Stylist Access
- Triple points days
- Free UK Returns

- 10 Points with Every Purchase
- Early access to new collections
- Secret promo codes
- £20 off your birthday
- £500 giftcard draws
- Draw for event tickets
- Stylist Access
- Triple points days
- Free UK Returns
- Christmas Gift
Eager to earn
We’re fr, you get points for just turning up. With our exclusive loyalty program, you don't just earn points from making a purchase. We want to get you started with points just for being here. Because we <3 you.
How does it work?
Create an account
Welcome to the neighbourhood. You’ll officially become a Seekers Juvenile when you create an account and gain access to exclusive member perks.
Start earning points
Log into your account and find all the ways you can earn points, such as subscribing to our newsletter or joining our community on instagram & TikTok.
Redeem rewards
Your points balance, along with your reward vouchers, will display on your account. For every 1000 points earned, a £10 voucher will be unlocked.
Start saving
When you've unlocked a voucher, and are ready to put it towards your order, click redeem to reveal a coupon code that can be pasted into our checkout promotion box. Alternatively, you can also use your points straight from the checkout. You can head back into your account page at any time to view your code(s) if you have not redeemed this yet.

Create an account and unlock access to member-only perks, including early-access to shop new collections, order discounts, free returns, and so much more!
How do returns affect my points?
All points from purchases have a 28 day validation period, during which time the points will display as 'pending' within your account.
Any items returned during the returns window will result in deductions from your pending points for those items.
You will keep no points for returned items.
Any points and/or vouchers redeemed against an order which is returned will also be lost.
How do I get my birthday voucher?
If you're a member of Seekersville and you've told us your birthday, lucky you! You'll receive an email on your birthday with a unique code to redeem on-site.
Can I redeem points and use a discount at the same time?
No, you can only use one or the other. If attempting to stack discount methods, the first discount added will be overwritten by the second.
We recommend you choose the discount which equates to the greatest value based on your order value.